Men’s Groups: Working with men of all (st)ages

"The death of the Sacred King and Queen means that we live now in a system of industrial domination which is not patriarchy. The system we live in gives no honor to the male mode of feeling, nor to the female mode of feeling" – Robert Bly, Iron John

Dissolving Our Cultural Conditioning 

While the inertia of the old male paradigm of the colonial domination is still going strong, we’ve also seen the emergence of the disempowered “nice guy.” It’s clear that neither extreme is desirable or healthy.

I believe that, together, we can help to undo this programming and create a new reality. First, by becoming conscious of our own conditioning and personal shadow and, by doing so, shift the collective and its shadow.

It's not possible to grow into a conscious, authentic and integrated man without becoming aware of your conditioning. The social hypnosis is deep. The very nature of a hypnotic state is that we don't know we are in it. We need to have a partner in this process of awakening because we don't see our own blind spots.

There's no shame about this. This was done to us and you are innocent.

Awakening to your authentic male power is moving from fear, shame, defensiveness, blame and victimhood to sovereignty and to the responsibility for your own level of consciousness. This is the path to freedom. It is a gradual process and requires courage, commitment, humility and patience. Men can support each other on this journey as we are reinventing and upgrading ourselves. 

In my group sessions with men, I begin by creating a safe container around a consecrated fire and invite the participants to gently slow down the mind and connect with the heart. We become still, listen to our bodies and wait. In the stillness that follows, the verbal sharing has a different quality. The wisdom guidance emerges spontaneously and organically.

If you’d like to participate in the Portland Men’s Group, contact me.